Corona Virus (COVID-19) Information
Corona Virus Update: We are now open!
Dear Patients,
Dr. Rummells is very pleased to announce that we are back open after our mandated COVID-19 shutdown. We are excited to get back to meeting your dental needs and seeing all your smiling faces. You will notice some changes to our check in and check out procedures as well as some cosmetic changes to the office in order to make you feel as safe as we possibly can as we all transition to our new world amidst a global pandemic. We look forward to your visit. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.
Your Integrity Dental Clinic Family
For Dental Emergencies or Dental Related Pain
To our awesome family of patients – if you have DENTAL EMERGENCY or DENTAL RELATED PAIN, please call us.
Emergency #: 601-850-6076
A Message from Dr. Rummells
At Integrity Dental Clinic, we take your personal health and safety very seriously. There’s been no shortage of news and updates regarding COVID-19 (corona virus) in recent days, and we are actively monitoring and following the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and CDC, as well as the state and local health authorities of the communities we serve. I wanted to share the additional actions that we are taking to ensure a safe environment when you visit our office.
We will remain open, but we are taking significant measures to reduce the overall number of people in the office. We are asking patients to verbally check in at the front desk and confirm a contact number then wait, if they feel more comfortable, in their vehicle until their chair is ready. Depending on the patient’s age, we ask that only the patient come in for their visit. If a parent feels it is important to accompany their younger patient, that is fine.
Most immediately, we’ve increased the frequency of our already strict cleaning procedures at high touch point areas in our office like door handles, front counters, seating areas, and of course, our clinical areas. We’ve also enhanced hand hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing procedures, and reemphasized the importance of our health standards and protocols.
LASTLY—If you or anyone in your family have or have had in the past week any fever, flu like symptoms, coughing, or shortness of breath, please call so we can reschedule your appointment. If you have traveled to a Level 3 risk area (such as China, Iran, Italy and most of Europe) in the last 14 days, please call to reschedule. We also ask that, when possible, you minimize the number of additional family members or friends accompanying patients to their appointments at this time. We will continue to keep you updated on this matter.
Thank you for your cooperation! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office at 601-487-2312. God bless and stay healthy!
Dr. Doug Rummells